Monday, January 21, 2013

Debt, Solvency and Vision - Talk by Ray Yeates (DCC Arts Officer)

Tuesday 22nd Jan, at 1pm - at The Irish Stock Exchange, 28 Anglesea St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

Ray Yeates is the CEO of Temple Bar Cultural Trust and Dublin City Council Arts Officer

In present day Ireland the threat of debt and solvency is a constant in our lives manifest in fears like liquidation, foreclosure and personal liability.

This talk will address issues of what we owe to ourselves in order to be able to meet what we owe to others. A clear vision of the path we must walk with ourselves in order to rid ourselves of this overwhelming burden will be addressed by Ray Yeates from the very floor of the Irish Stock Exchange which on the one hand can generate enormous wealth but also that same wealth can generate overwhelming hardship on a society through the levying of the great debt that Ireland finds itself in at the moment.  

It is not often, with all the media coverage on the doom and gloom and the state of Ireland, that you get a light gleaming for an instant.  Debt, Solvency and Vision is that glimmer of gleaming light. 

"What do you do when you fall far from help?  We wait till we can get up. Then we go on. On! " Samuel Beckett


This talk will address how to care for the self while working to resolve the overwhelming issues of personal liabilities in the bankrupt Ireland of today. You are not what you owe and you are not the property of others.  The most important asset in all of this is YOU.




Ray Yeates comes with a vast experience of personal and professional entrepreneurship which involved, as Artistic Director, putting the Ballymun Axis Arts Centre on the cultural map and advancing the relationship between culture and communities the personal trials and tribulations of the artistic creative journey are brought to bear in this exciting creative approach to unstanding better our relationship with debt, with particular emphasis on personal debt and solvency. He has been involved with the cultural industries for the best part of 30 years producing, writing, directing and leading many different cultural enterprises both at home and abroad. He is at present spearheading Dublin City Councils Arts plan and cultural vision for the future.


"Use your head, can't you, use your head. You're on earth, there's no cure for that!" S. Beckett






Sunday, January 20, 2013

'Before' - by Bill Hastings - Photographic Projection

Photographic Projection by Bill Hastings begins Monday 21st from 5pm at Bernardo Square, City Hall Dublin 

‘Before’ is a rich story of what it was like before the gush and rush for borrowed money known as the boom. Looking at this artwork, one does not get a sense of loss, sentimentality or nostalgia for something that has gone simply because this volume of work manages to capture its essence, its DNA and our instincts repond to that memory, that fabric, those laughing, smiling, playing, citizens of Dublin.

In viewing this work, you are taking a journey through a living city and its people.  These photographs are not historical, they are very  much a part of the present and a vital component of the continuing journey of this great Dublin City and its people.  See for yourself. 


Bill Hastings is an architect, photographer and designer.  He grew up in Dublin in the 1950s and 1960s. He studied architecture at UCD in Earlsfort Terrace from 1965 to 1970. His practice, now called ARC Consultants, covers architecture, photography, graphic design, historic building survey, digital modelling and animation; as well as consultancy in a number of areas relating to conservation and planning.

All the photographs that form part of this exhibition ‘Before’ were taken in Dublin between the mid 1960s and the mid 1970s. Most of the photographs arise simply from the habit of carrying a camera at all times.  #tradfest  #otheredvoices 


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Irish women who played an equal part in Irish Freedom and the struggle for equality

Charlotte Despard, Helena Moloney, Elizabeth O Farrell, Kathleen Clarke, Madeleine French Mullen, Mary Ellen Spring Rice, Grace Gifford, Countess Markievicz, Dr. Kathleen Lynn, Máire Ni Shiúibhlaigh, Linda Kearns, Jennie Wyse Power, Hanna Sheehy Skeffinton, Kate O Callaghan, Margaret Skinneder, Mary Mac Swiney, May Gibney, Maud Gonne...How many of these women do you know of?
They have been written into the footnotes of history but were a vital component in the struggle for freedom, equality and independence in Ireland. Largely kept on the margins their courageous outstanding contribution in Irish History will be firmly established by Sinead McCoole in her presentation at the Irish Stock Exchange on Tuesday 22nd Jan at 1pm (Admission Free) 'Other Voices - Unmanageable and Disreputable Women - #otheredvoices #tradfest


Saturday, January 12, 2013

OTHERED VOICES (Farcry Productions and Temple Bar Company-Tradfest)

OtheredVoices-BillA3Poster.pdf Download this file
Othered' a term which refers to the act of emphasizing perceived weaknesses of maginalized groups and individuals as a way of stressing the alleged strength of those in positions of powe

Irish Stock Exchange, Temple Bar, Dublin 22/23rd January

 Farcry Productions and Temple Bar Company present

On Tuesday Jan 22nd and Wednesday Jan 23rd Farcry Productions and Temple Bar Company are presenting a series of events at the Irish Stock Exchange in Temple Bar Dublin.  

The events consist of performance, talks and an exhibition projection (at Bernardo Square City Hall, Dublin)

OTHERED VOICES - Performance nights-8pm

Jan 22/23 - @ Irish Stock Exchange, 28 Anglesea St., Temple Bar,Dublin 2

JINX LENNON in performance
Ophelia McCabe and MissElayneous

€6 entrance fee   8pm sharp- limited seating

VOICING IT -  Talk Series-22/23rd Jan at 1pm
Time: 1pm 
Venue:  Irish Stock Exchange, Temple Bar

22nd   Talk by RAY YEATES - CEO Temple Bar Cultural Trust/Dublin City Arts         Officer

23rd   Talk by SINEAD MC COOLE - Author/Historian/Curator

BEFORE  - by Bill Hastings   22nd-27th Jan 
photographic exhibition projection
at Bernardo Square, City Hall Dublin - 5pm-11pm daily
